James Newman

James Newman was in Soho Square on the day of the royal wedding. He had heard from a Charlie Veitch video that there would be a protest in Soho Square. He arrived not affiliated to any group, but just to see and film the events. While filming the Starbucks Zombies’ stop and search he was stopped and searched himself, then arrested for possession of his own credit card. As he refused to give his name (which he had every right to do) the police claimed that his credit card may not be his, and therefore might be stolen goods. He was assaulted in the course of his arrest.

James Newman has shot a lot of extremely useful footage of the events of the day. View the entire playlist here.

“It looked like anyone who was wearing fancy dress was being detained and it appeared that arrests were being made has the people never did arrive at Soho Square which was just around the corner.”

His full account is available here.

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